Madnawati Public School

Annual Events

Madnawati Public School is having 35 classrooms which are very well furnished, and with proper seating arrangement. Keeping in mind the harsh weather of sambalpur due to its location and surrounding, classrooms are designed appropriately. Rather than just imparting theoretical knowledge and emphasizing more on practicality adequate no of labs are provided with dedicated lab assistance.

Annual Sports Day

A lot can be learnt from sports be it discipline, Punctuality, mental strength or Sportsman Spirit. Hosts of event are generally organized during Annual Sports Day for students to showcase their talent and will power to achieve. Athletic Event includes Javelin Throw, 100m race, and track and field event. Students from both secondary and senior secondary participate in large numbers.




Annual Magazine

Our Annual Magazine is the right kind of platform provided to young mind for igniting and instigating their writing ability. Setting aside rules even teacher submit articles in magazine. Magazine includes year on activates photos and a brief annual report of school.



Annual Function

It’s the most awaited event of the year;function marked the culmination of various cultural activities that gave students a platform to showcase their talent.The programme began with a prayer, which is usually followed by folk dances, group dance, bhajans and special individual performances. The programme are an in-house production by the school teachers.




Science Exhibition

Science exhibition and awareness programme is being organised to popularise science among students besides informing students about new developments in science and technology. Model Presentation, seminars are the integral part of this exhibition. Student from all round the region and their parents attend in large numbers.




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